Very few good, lasting things come quickly. Some do. The opportunities for them usual come quickly. Good people who you have to hold on to fast. New job opportunities. However, this is not usually the case, and even those things take persistence. Results are usually seen slowly at first. You notice no day to day change from a workout, and that $500 extra you invested doesn’t seem like a lot. That extra time you spent with your girlfriend was enjoyable for sure, but you don’t realize how much it will help you later too.
10 years down the road, the above person is much better off. But the results are not visible right away. It takes a matter of months to make a meaningful dent, and years for progress to be outwardly visibly and affect day to day life. But this progress is also lasting. Unless you should do something monumentally stupid like gamble it all away, perform a lift wrong and injure yourself, ect, you keep this progress for a very long time even if you were to stop. Muscle you used to have grows back twice as fast as putting new muscle on. And once again, this is just one analogy.
This post is not going to be very long, because it does not need to be. The ways you win slowly, they are not flashy or obvious.
But it works.
And when you start to feel the fruits of your labor, the high you get from that is addictive. So keep it up. In our next post, we’ll discuss how to actually make this happen internally.